New version of AliveColors available. Move to web site?=New version of AliveColors available. Move to web site?
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Loading effects from %s=Loading effects from %s
Loading %s ...=Loading %s ...
Did you know=Did you know
Did you know what=Did you know what
the command shortcut for quick access to Open is Ctrl+O.
the command shortcut for quick access to Close is Ctrl+W.
the command shortcut for quick access to SaveAs is Ctrl+S.
the command shortcut for quick access to Save copy is Ctrl+Alt+S.
the command shortcut for quick access to Print is Ctrl+P.
you can easily quit the program by pressing Ctrl+Q.
you can show/hide Toolbar and Effect window by pressing Tab.
you can easily select Rectangular marquee tool by pressing î.
you can easily select Elliptical marquee tool by pressing E.
you can easily select Lasso tool by pressing L.
you can easily select Magic wand tool by pressing W.
to set the color of the color pad you can use the original image, taking an averaged color of the rectangular area by pressing Alt.
if you want to add new selection, use selection tools together with the Shift button.
if you want to subtract new selection from the old one, use selection tools together with the Alt button.
if you want to see both old and new selections (overlay), use selection tools together with Alt+Shift.
Red mask command from Select menu allows to fill the non-selected area with red color.
open Windows of the original images can show up either in Tile or in Cascade. You can select the way they appear in the Window menu.
the color of one color panel can be transferred to another color panel by a left-click of the button.
hue library is meant for color storage and quick access to frequently used colors.
in Bring To Colors, Color Pairs, and Replace Colors effects, you can regulate Radius capture separately for every color (pair of colors).
you can choose an Effect not only in the Effects menu, but in a drop-out list of the Choice field in the effect's Window.
you can save parameters of any effect and apply them to any other image.
you can view and edit the History of the image - a chain of applied effects. Any effect of the chain can be deleted. In this case all effects that follow will be recalculated.
History of the image can be saved and later applied to another image.
Bring To Colors effect allows to bring the image to set colors even if these colors are not present on the original image.
Casino effect allows to get random variants of a color gamma of original image, saving light, shade and smoothness of color transitions.
Color Pairs effect allows to replace one color of the image with another. Thus the substitution of definite color influences all image colors..
Glow effect allows to create a multi-colored glow of any image color.
Image Correction effect allows to adjust image brightness and contrast, blur and sharpen and also to make gamma corrections.
Local Contrast effect allows to change contrast in area of separately chosen image color (colors)..
Matrix effect allows to transform channels of red, green and dark blue colors in image.
Replace Colors effect allows to replace "carefully" one color of image with another, without touching all other colors.
Shift Colors effect allows to make color shift in image with possibility of saturation and lightness correction.
Two Keys effect allows to process a color brightness and image contrast on the base of two key colors.
all elements of effects management are visually divided into separate groups - roll up/roll out areas. Every such area has a heading, and by a left-click on this heading you can either roll up or roll out the area.
you can delete a color from the color pad by pressing the right button of the mouse.
sliders of the gradient line appear when you double-click on the gradient line. To hide the sliders click them by the right button of the mouse.
the nearer sliders approach each other on the gradient line, the sharper transition is in the colored glow.
use TWAIN command from the File menu to get an image directly from a scanner or a digital camera.
if you exit the program keeping Windows of original images open, then next time you open the application these files will be opened automatically.
colors of the color pad or one of the colors of the gradient line can be chosen not only from the palette, but from the standard Color selection dialogue, which you can open by pressing the color circle at the right corner of the palette.
using Magic wand selection tool you can activate Holes command from Select menu in order to include some unselected small details that fall into the selection area, and deselect the details that are irrelevant for the selection area.
the color of the color pad or one of the colors of the gradient line can be taken from the original image.
Zoom to fit tool of the Toolbar allows to change the image scale so that it fits into the Window of the original image.
for the result of effect application to be seen in the Window of the original image, you've got to fix the flag at Preview of the Effect window.
any effect can be applied not only to the whole image but to any of its parts as well. For this purpose you should use selection tools from the Toolbar and commands from the Select menu.
there are two ways to shift from one open Window of original image to another: by left-click on the window with the required image, or choosing the image from the open files list in the Window menu.
the image scale in the Preview area can be changed by pressing the scale buttons which are located under this area.
in the effects that allow setting of several colors you can put and take away flags near the color pads. The effect uses only the colors which are marked by a flag. It allows to try a large variety of color combination having set the maximum number of colors.